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Theater Whore: The Infiltrator

The Infiltrator 8/10

The other day Cam and I headed to the Sundance Theater and saw The Infiltrator. I of course told her not to tell me what it was about but as soon as I saw the poster I vaguely remembered the trailer for it. This is way better than the trailer by the way. The trailer makes it look like this fast paced action movie when it is anything but. I would say suspense because my ass was clawing at my seat throughout the whole thing just waiting for someone to find something out or for someone to be betrayed while being betrayed. It was too much for my poor heart! This is one of those movies like Warrior where I get mad that more people aren't talking about it or plan on seeing it.

Bryan Cranston is great in this as an agent Robert Mazur that wants to bring down Pablo Escobar by following the money. Not using the method of waiting till the drugs were already here and grabbing them and the dealers but hitting drug kingpins where it hurt: their wallets. He uses alias such as Bob Musella and gets in deep with the bad guys. His wife played by Juliet Aubrey as Evelyn Mazur wants him to just retire, which he can, but he wants to...I'm not quite sure. They don't make him come across as some super patriot that wants to stop drugs from getting into the country and his children. He just wants to work it seems.

On his biggest case of his career, and at the time in the country, we find him ass deep in the thick if things. By slipping up and saying he is engaged to stop a lap dance he ends up assigned a wife named Kathy Ertz played by Diane Kruger. She is great at playing his wife and they end up getting in good with Roberto Alcaino played by Benjamin Bratt who is also great in this. There is also John Leguizamo as Emir Abreu who is amazing in this. He is good at his job and even when someone gets their brain blown out and he is splattered with blood doesn't even drop his cigarette.

The acting in this was amazing. I was clawing at my seat throughout most of this movie just waiting for a cover to be blown or for danger to reach Mazur's home. I loved the outfits in this and how the clothes didn't look like costumes as this takes place in the early 80's. The music was cool too and had me wondering when I could get the soundtrack (Cam who suggested this movie and went with me told me I can get it on the library's website). This is one of my favorite movies I've seen this year and out of the five of the best I have seen in 2016 three of them have not been blockbusters and not seen by many people. If you can check this out you really should. The only reason I did not give this a 9 is because the ending was a little too cinema feeling for me.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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