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Eva Marie reveals how quickly WWE cast her in Total Divas

Eva Marie was involved in finding Diva when she graduated from college in commerce. Her parents were reluctant that she wouldn’t get a “real job” right away, but they supported their daughter’s aspirations. It turned out to be the right decision, as WWE didn’t want to let her go when she came for this audition.

Shortly after Eva Marie’s audition, WWE was casting for Total Divas. They offered her an audition for that show and she passed the test. As she explained to the Mikhaila Peterson podcast, Total Divas production managers then informed her about how her life was about to change.

“[In the audition] there was a green screen, and you sit down and get hammered a million questions, ”recalls Marie. “[Questions] like what [was] it grows? How is your family? This, that and the other. ‘ And that was for Total Divas, which was the reality show. So the producer at the time said to me, ‘Hey, just to let you know, this project is moving really, really fast. If you get that, your life could change in the next 72 hours.

“I called my current husband and I was like ‘Hey, I think I just got this out of the park. They said things can go really fast. So we jump in the car and go north. We drive to my parents, my parents meet my current husband. Then he asks for my father’s blessing to marry me. And I get a call 24 hours later saying I got the gig. “

“I’m on a flight to WrestleMania on Monday. Not only am I now on WWE’s Main List, which is Monday Night Raw, but I’m also on Total Divas, which airs on E! Network. [Just] like that. “

Eva Marie was unknown to WWE fans until Total Divas. It was an introduction she needed as the WWE Universe got to know Eva Marie before All Red Everything was even a thing on the main roster. Eva Marie remained with Total Divas until her exit from WWE in 2017, but the show did not air in 2020 and it is not known if she will return at this point.

Total Divas was a big show and it spanned nine seasons. Eva Marie also credited the reality TV show with arousing the interest of so many people in women’s wrestling. We don’t know how true that is, but it hasn’t hurt matters.

What is your take on Eva Marie’s WWE career? Sound off in the comments!

Thanks to Wrestling Inc for the quote

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